by David Evans | Dating Site Features
This indicator of how complete my OKCupid profile is was perplexing at first. To get to the next level of completion, I can either answer another 204 questions or add a single comment to someone else’s profile. Now I get it, they want you to leave more comments,...
by David Evans | Dating Site Features
New features at Yahoo! Personals continue to pop up unannounced. Here we see the ability to select which information is displayed at the top of people’s profiles. I changed mine up immediately, the previously-displayed information wasn’t right for me, now...
by David Evans | Dating Site Features
And what a week it’s been. Scientific Match, Vidoop and Iovation interviews. Trade show booths shipped off to iDate. Attended the virtual conference, had several new business meetings and responded to the usual press calls and a broken windshield to top it off....
by David Evans | Audio & Video, Dating Industry Finance, Dating Markets, Dating Site Features, Dating Site Technology, Mobile Dating
I am meeting with Eric Holzle, founder of Scientific Match, and will post details soon. In the meantime, information at TheBostonChannel and the Northeastern News. Jeff at Longtail Studios wrote to let us know about HurryDate’s SpeedDaters. Advanced Mobile...
by David Evans | Dating Site Features
I have no idea how long this has been a feature because Match never promotes anything on the site but tonight I stumbled across the Match My Friends Feature. I posted a matchmyfriends2.pdf screenshot of the service so you can check it out. Basically, Match wants you...
by David Evans | Dating Site Features has implemented an exit survey powered by Upsellit. They are a previous client, but I never heard about these new items on the website. On their quizzes page they have “Cool stuff to stick on your blog”, including a quiz and a hot or not...