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My Morning On Match.com

I was greeted with these error messages while browsing Match this morning. The ongoing downtime at Match is unacceptable for a service I’m paying for. This isn’t an overloaded social network with a million features, it’s a dating site, albeit a large...

Match Testimonials, Popular?

My Match testimonial us up. I understand now why I see so few testimonials on Match. Getting friends to write something is like pulling teeth, similar to getting a testimonial on LinkedIn. I’ll let you know if I notice a difference. Match needs to fix the email...

Why Was I Dissed?

Alexis at Whywasidissed wrote in to say: Dating can be difficult, and watching a relationship – or something that could have been a relationship – come to an end is even more difficult. These difficulties are compounded by the fact that often, you’re left...