by David Evans | Dating Research
A major media outlet is doing a a piece about niche dating sites and is hoping to offer a sense of the size of the niche dating site market. Anyone who has statistics about the size of the niche market (Comscore stats on niche sites, revenue projections, relevant...
by David Evans | Marketing
During a Skype chat with Sam Moorcroft of yesterday, he mentioned that they received a great shout-out on Britain’s Got Talent. Referencing Simon’s Cowell’s break with fiance Mezhgan Hussainy, when a pair of contestants said they had met...
by David Evans | Dating Conferences & Events
Here’s an update from the Online Dating Summit organizers. In addition to the CEO’s of, Dating Factory, Mamboo, Mamba, Love, Twoo, and Smooch, Walter and Andreas have been able to add the following companies. Markus Frind, the...
by David Evans | Dating Industry Finance, Dating Site Features, Dating Sites & Startups
Here’s a cautionary tale for all you online dating startups trying to out-Thread Thread. Part history lesson, part obituary, this one’s for the 10+ startups working in the social dating space. In recent years, the dating industry has focused first on...
by David Evans | Profiles & Matching
Congratulations are in order to Laurie Davis, better known as eFlirt Expert, and Thomas Edwards, The Professional Wingman. The two have announced they are getting hitched! I’ve known Laurie and Thomas for years, and I’m so happy that I introduced them to...
by David Evans | Dating Markets, Dating Research, Dating Sites & Startups, Marketing, Mobile Dating, Profiles & Matching
After a bummer of a sale to FriendFinder Networks, which has proven adept at killing off perfectly good acquisitions, has launched a new dating site. Many people, myself included, consider Nerve/SpringStreet to have been the best “first wave”...
by David Evans | Dating Research
Read Peak breakup times on Facebook. Harsh! Via Soul2Match.
by David Evans | Marketing
Dating site are getting a little too comfortable announcing the total number of members over the lifetime of the service in their marketing pitches instead of say users active in the last 30 days. I feel like a crotchety old man having to write this same blog post...
by David Evans | Dating Sites & Startups
Today’s guest post is by Jeff Kauflin, who is writing a book about online dating. An article he wrote about the founder Gary Kremen recently appeared in Business Insider. Jeff is also Director of Operations at Marketing Evolution, a marketing...
by David Evans | Marketing
Not to pick only on Match and eHarmony, but their ability to keep affiliates in line seems to be less and less effective the closer we get to Valentine’s Day. Not sure if this is by design or not, but its been going on for months and is...