by David Evans | Mobile Dating
Christian Wiklund at Skout said they are launching a version of Skout (500,000 members) for the Apple iPad. The new SKOUT.COM iPad app will not only show you singles nearby who are active and ready to chat, it will also boast a new concept: The HotMap. The Map will...
by David Evans | Mobile Dating
Talk about starting the week off on a good note. Cyber Monday deals, preparing some exciting new reports for readers and to top it off OKCupid has released an iPhone application. Team OKCupid did a great job at integrating just about every piece of website...
by David Evans | Marketing, Mobile Dating
Layar: First Mobile Augmented Reality Browser Is Your Real Life HUD. Now *this* is a cool mobile application. Imagine being able to hold your camera up to a person and have it display their profile. Scary big-brother implications but this is part of the natural...
by David Evans | Mobile Dating
The Apple WWDC (developers) keynote today did not disappoint. Ordered my 32GB iPhone, should be here on the 19th. (Some txt via Gizmodo) 40 million iPhone and iPod touches. In the last year, mobile has officially become a viable platform, larger than some gaming...
by David Evans | Mobile Dating, White Label Dating
Christian at emailed with some big news.Get your own mobile dating service: Skout will white label its’ solution to enable anyone to run their own mobile dating service. The structure is simple; 1) You provide logo and colors, 2) Skout provides your...
by David Evans | Marketing, Mobile Dating
Match has launched an iPhone application. Downloading it now, will play around with it tonight and review tomorrow. Dilbert loves using his phone on dates. Fewer Ads Can Boost Click-Through. For the love of God, less junk ads on dating sites, please! A Pretty Woman...