by David Evans | Uncategorized
I’ll be in Manhattan Thursday and Friday, meeting with clients, several dating companies, social networks and investors. Contact me if you want to meet up, I have some free time Friday afternoon after lunch.
by David Evans | Uncategorized
The press release headline says it all: Innovative Online Dating Service Hosts 18 Million Online Dates, Raises over $8 Million, Attracts Millions of Users SpeedDate hosts an average of 120,000 online dates per day, a new date begins on the site every second of the...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Read all about how complicated OpenID is for normal people to use. This Passport replacement system has been building quite a head of steam for some time now, but it’s still too much work to use. Yahoo! Releases OpenID Research.
by David Evans | Uncategorized
This post is from me as a single guy about to turn 40 next week. Forget the industry insider, forget the consulting, forget the years of experience with online dating, it’s time to get my rant on. I just spent the last two hours on Updating my...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
A big shout-out to advertisers Bonefish, Boonex, Dating Ad Network, Honesty Online, iovation and Sobayli. I fixed the problem with duplicate ads showing up in the sidebar and removed the suggestion box, nobody used it. Ning opens access to OpenSocial developers. Ning...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Talked to iovation about fraud detection in the online dating space. Their shared database of fraudulent activity is gigantic and getting larger every day. Had a great call with new GM of North American Mandy Ginsberg at Match today. Posting details in the next day or...