by David Evans | Uncategorized
Today’s modern dater is faced with the reality that the same old dinner date is quickly becoming passé when it comes to making a great first impression. Paintball, bullfighting and skydiving may be a bit much for most, but the trend is toward dates that avoid...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Check out where online dating is positioned on Hierarchy Of Digital Distractions. Original OKCupid article: How To Get People To Reply To Your Messages In Online Dating, Part I. Whitney Casey from talks about polishing your online dating profile. Winning...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
This morning I was hanging out at Omnidate. Went on several virtual dates, some with real people, some with obvious scammers (ask me for my Yahoo email = scammer). A reporter from Colombia contacted me about the state of online dating and I invited her to Omnidate. We...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
On Friday I am heading to Orlando to speak at the Florida Restaurant Show. Tom Jaffe, founder of 8MinuteDating and MatchEvents and I will be sharing tips on how restaurants and bars can use the Internet to reach the 100 million singles in the US. Location-based...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
An innovative, white label dating network with a user base of 150K+ is for sale.The following assets are included: White label technology -5,000 man hours of dev Userbase of 150,000 (all logs are applicable) Affiliate network technology Active affiliate partners...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Twitter-like Dating, Brevity’s the Best Opener- OKCupid is doing a great job sharing what they are learning about how people interact on the site. Turns out that the ideal message length from men to women is between 200-300 characters and from women to men...