by David Evans | Uncategorized
This one is for reader Fernando. An oldie but a good one making the rounds again. Warwick University’s Peter Backus applies the Drake equation to discover why, exactly, he can’t find a girlfriend: So, what this means is that there are 10,510 people in the...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
So I’m perusing various dating site Facebook pages and when I got to eHarmony’s Facebook page I see their status update is a question. Eharmony status update: “Hi fans… we’re dying to know. What’s for dinner tonight? Cooking? Ordering...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Date-worthy iPhone Applications! Meghan Asha lists off her favorite iPhone applications to take on a date.
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Friendfinder IPO Cut in Half: Friendfinder Networks ongoing quest to IPO took another hit this week. The company has revised their S-1 to reflect a a halving of expected fundraising, from $460 Million to about $220 Million. Via paidContent. City dating site...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Yesterday while watching the horrible Patriots loss at my corner bar, the topic came around to dating. I mentioned a few niche dating sites and went into my usual rant about being more interested in a giant single shared database of members than 2,000 separate sites,...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Douglas Hines is an electrical engineer and computer scientist who formerly worked on artificial intelligence at AT&T Bell Laboratories. Roxxxy, the latest “sex robot” from the company Hines combined his background with the expertise...