by David Evans | Profiles & Matching
OkCupid has launched a new website called HelloQuizzy, which is squirming its way out of our womb and into public beta (their words, not mine.) HelloQuizzy will: Enable third-party websites to integrate quizzes. Drive traffic back to OkCupid. Be the internal engine...
by David Evans | Profiles & Matching
I learned several lessons yesterday after posting incorrect information about personality testing legal issues. Posting inaccurate information gets people talking more than usual and tends to bring out the worst in people. You can never be to careful about...
by David Evans | Profiles & Matching
An informed insider tells me that Integrated Knowledge Systems claims they have a patent on personality testing and anyone who does personality testing owes them royalities of up to 60% of all revenues. If your dating site has been contacted by IKS I’d like to...
by David Evans | Profiles & Matching
In an effort to provide useful tips and advice to members, is now asking it’s members to help each other. I am all for crowdsourcing and leveraging the wisdom of the crowds. But is the Insider’s Guide the blind leading the blind? The...
by David Evans | Dating Markets, Marketing, Profiles & Matching
A warm welcome to our new sponsor, Dating Ad Network. Match closed down their “match studios” service and re-opened it under the name of Match Profile Pro. You can see the ad unit if you go to “edit profile” it’s on the far left hand side...
by David Evans | Profiles & Matching
A small bird flew up to my window and said I should go check out the OKCupid Dating Test on Facebook. I do not understand why the application logo is a scary weaponized military helicopter, but then I see that cupid is the pilot and the ammunition is arrows. The...