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EHarmony Cries Foul

Lot’s of attention being paid to the recent Chemistry.com “Rejected” ad campaign, which clearly places eHarmony in Chemsitry’s crosshairs. The media attention is approaching the True.com level, which is to be expected, because let’s face...

Chemistry Digging In, Launching Ad Campaign

Chemistry.com is launching a national TV and print ad campaign that launches the week of April 23rd. Look for ads in People magazine, TV ads on NBC, USA Network, and Bravo starting on April 30th. Chemistry’s launch was soft as butter. In the past year or so they...

Daters Not Loyal to Dating Sites

Compete has the latest on traffic to mainstream dating sites. True, previously ranked 9th in terms of member logins, moved into the top five sites. Like many dating services, True sends email as a way to encourage paid subscriptions, and in February nearly 60% of...