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iDate State Of the Industry Circa 2005

Meir Strahlberg, CEO of Date.com, gave the state of the online dating industry talk at iDate in 2005. This is a must-read PDF, if only for the mindset of the industry going back a few years. Lots of interesting facts and figures, the emergence of white label...

Dating Industry Market Size

I am working on an online dating industry report and am looking for stats and numbers regarding the size of the US dating market. I’m in data-gathering mode and would appreciate it if you would contact me if you have information to share. I’m fine with...

Calculating Cost Per Acquisition

Andrew Chen on How to calculate cost-per-acquisition for startups relying on freemium, subscription, or virtual items biz models. User acquisition funnels and factors that influence ad performance. Also a case study video about the metrics of virtual goods.