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More iDate Coverage

Besides the snarky and amusing viewpoints of Online Dating Insider readers, other blogs and news outlets covered iDate. I hear there was a Time Magazine reporter there as well which several people got a chance to talk to. Online Personals Watch mentions the Miami...

iDate Recap

The feedback from iDate has started coming in. If you attended, we all want to hear your thoughts, make sure to add them in the comments or email me anonymously via the contact form. Make sure to send along positive stories/experiences. Deals done, new connections,...

Enjoy iDate

For those of you heading down to Miami for iDate, enjoy. May the sun shine bright, the sessions be informative and the beverages cold and tasty. Send highlights and photos to me via the contact form and I’ll post for the rest of us who couldn’t make...

Improbable iDate 2007 Sessions

Every year I make a list of improbable iDate sessions I would love to attend. Here is this year’s list. Feel free to add you own in the comments. : What software platform should I run my dating site onIs Boonex really that bad or are all the complainers simply...