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The feedback from iDate has started coming in. If you attended, we all want to hear your thoughts, make sure to add them in the comments or email me anonymously via the contact form. Make sure to send along positive stories/experiences. Deals done, new connections, money raised? If you presented, send me a copy and I’ll make available to those of us who couldn’t make the show.

Overall, the conference displayed a lack of thought leadership for the people looking for guidance and advice.
No one seemed to address issues and strategy “to save online dating.�
The vibe was vendors selling wares to dating sites.
Many in attendance were people starting dating sites. Why would Yahoo/Match/Eharmony want to meet with them?
The key players were there covertly, covering badges as usual.
Eharmony attendee was called the Mystery Man.
Match not there.
14 exhibitors, half of last year’s number, looked sparse compared to previous years, space too large?
Yahoo’s Susan Mernit avoided questions, said social networking is not competition.
Only 10% of attendees were social networking. Several vendors disppinted in the lack of social networking company presence.
Lack of new voices adding value to the conversations. Same old industry recaps.
Mikes Jones gave what people are saying was the best presentation, highlight of show.
Cocktail party at 8:30 pm, not 5:30. People exhausted by that time.
Paul Falzone of Together/Right One in the catbird seat this year.
Vintacom looked deflated.
It appears that Jlove not doing well. Can anyone back this up or refute it?

Here’s what the Miami Herald had to say about the show.

While I would have liked to see everyone in Miami, this is how I spent my weekend.
