It’s snowing here in Boston, for only the fourth time all winter. A good day to settle in and catch up on dating news and work on the blog.
Now that the site has settled down, I’m opening up additional advertising spots. You may have noticed the affiliate links in the sidebar. I decided to give it a shot and see how various dating sites perform.
The Contact Form is the best way to get in touch about story ideas, press releases, advertising and consulting.
The Share This link at the bottom of every post opens up a list of social bookmarking tools. It would be great to get Dugg.
Have you checked out the new Consulting page?
All About Dating Sites is a self supported community of individuals who are actively involved in some aspect of the dating site business. The members here try help each other solve problems and exchange ideas and information as well as introduce and educate newcomers to the complexities of running an online dating service business.
The Creativity Club has a feature called Whose Site is it Anyway. This week they compare two dating sites, eromance and Fervor.
Another blog about dating, Web Dating News.
National Geographic has a map of singles in the US.
Update on the Manhattan speed dating event last month, featuring men who make north of $500,000.