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Tuesday 9/25 links

OkCupid launches Facebook application. SeekingAlpha on the IAC empire. IAC owns Match.com. Online Dating Coaches Karin Anderson and Beth Roberts, are appearing on OnDating.TV. ON NETWORK’s popular internet Dating Series, OnDating.TV, brings the Online Dating...

What I’m Reading This Week

When I find interesting links I add them to my Delicious bookmarking account, http://del.icio.us/relaxedguy. I bookmark dating-related links into Delicious as well. You can keep up with what I’m reading every week by clicking Bookmarked Dating Industry News and...

Hot or Not Abandons Free Dating Experiment

Saw this coming from a mile away. Via Mashable: After being overrun with spam and fake profiles, Hot Or Not has decided to reverse course and end their free dating experiment. According to an email from founders Jim and James: “…You also warned us that this would...

Single People Happier than Married

Yahoo! Personals Delves into the Optimistic Mindset of Today’s Singles and Single Parents. When asked about how they perceive themselves in relation to their married friends. 88 percent of all singles surveyed say they are just as, if not more, happy; 81 percent...

Friday 9-7- Linkdump

OK Cupid’s Sam Yagan Boston Globe Interview. Great backstory. Four questions to Alex Panelli, CEO, Trilibis Mobile: We recently launched MatchMobile in partnership with Match.com. The original launch included availability of a fully integrated mobile dating...

Links for 8-31-07

It’s been fun connecting with dating industry folks on Facebook, add me and I’ll show you around the various dating apps on Facebook. Spark Networks is repurchasing 1,000,000 shares of its common stock at $4.10 per share. Spark Networks looses another...