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Searching on Match.com

Dating site search engines and the algorithms used to display results have always mystified me. Often there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the results. Are members who log in frequently listed first? Are people who don’t log in often effectively punished by...

Parts of Match are Down

Parts of Match.com are not functioning at the moment. Match is the Myspace of the dating world. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. You never really know what the problem is, but it goes away after a while. The testimonial form sends an email to someone,...

Dating Site Review: Singlesnet

After receiving 50+ email alerts, I broke down and signed up for Singlesnet so I could email people and see how the system works for paid users. It’s arguably the dating site with the most traffic and I wanted to evaluate the experience and see what types of...

FTC Slaps AdultFriendFinder For Porn Pop-ups

Fresh on rumors that Adult Friend Finder was acquired last month, legal troubles which undoubtedly complicate the transaction. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said in a statement that AdultFriendFinder affiliates used pop-up ads to drive traffic to the site, and...

Reputation Economy Conference at Yale, Dec 8

If you follow the reputation space in any way, this is going to be an excellent event. The Information Society Project at Yale Law School is proud to present Reputation Economies in Cyberspace. The symposium will be held on December 8, 2007 at Yale Law School in New...