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Plentyoffbass, The Movie

Longtime readers know that I love to fish and have posted photos here of some fairly large striped bass I’ve caught over the years. I do most of my all-to-infrequent fishing on Plum Island, which is in northern Massachusetts. My friend James...

Meet Me Halfway With Meetways

Here’s an interesting idea, a site for setting up dates. Meetways.com allows a user to enter two locations and a point of interest (like a coffee shop or sushi restaurant) and then finds the exact halfway point and the types of businesses you searched for....

Online Dating Insider RSS Feed Update

Given that this blog has been around for six years and had several addresses, people have subscribed to multiple versions of the RSS newsfeed for Online Dating Insider. Every since Google made changes to how feeds are accessed this week, I’ve noticed a drop in...

Comments Working Again

Comments are back up, for the most part. I bit the bullet and upgraded to a new theme as well. There may be a few issues with font sizes, please use the contact form and let me know if anything looks funky.