by David Evans | Uncategorized
Tim Ferris, author of Markus Frind’s favorite book, The Four Hour Workweek, decided to outsource his online dating to India last year. The takeaway? Online dating is a numbers game, simple subject lines work best, and make sure to rotate your photo.
by David Evans | Uncategorized
SNAP Interactive has more than doubled it’s development team. It looks like their partnership with Match has ended? and the most recent SNAP press release talks about mobile dating. Expect an iPhone dating application soon. SkaDate Video Demo: Advertiser SkaDate...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Evan Marc Katz, a one-time competitor hopefully turning into a collaborator, is speaking on the Generating Revenue panel. Here are Evans’ websites. Advice From a Single Dating Expert Evan Marc Katz Finding The One ThoughtRocket Evan needs to change the first...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Every so often I find it useful to review blogging rules of the road and general etiquette. Ever since I upgraded the theme that powers this blog and the comments are consistently working for the most part (I can’t do much to fix the spam filter on blog...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Back in the saddle: I’m excited to be back. Taking a week-plus off from blogging during the holidays (with the mother of all sinus colds) was important, and I’m glad to be back and blogging our way up to iDate. Here are a few links of interest that...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
The Internet Dating Conference is taking place in Miami January 22-23. If you haven’t bought your passes yet, here are the iDate registration details. You’ll save up to a few hundred dollars if you register before January 15th. If you are looking to start...