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Flirting 2.0

Thanks to Hylton at Corante (where this blog used to be hosted) for pointing out this decidedly modern look at the current art of flirting. Original at Jesspiration.

Online Dating Industry Update April 23 2009

Are You Interested offers Meebo chat. Have you seen the new website? Sparkbliss.com is looking for a talented CEO, email them at jobs@sparkbliss.com. DIY Unfaithfulness Tests. This spam email caught my eye, but no, Match.com is not launching a social network. The...

PlentyOfFish Looking Better

Looks like PlentyOfFish is starting to realize that design matters. A new logo and cleaner home page are evident. They removed Instant Messaging last week. Good riddance I say. Lack of monitoring is the downfall of chat on most dating sites and the POF forums are...

World Dating Partners Scheduled Downtime

Received over the weekend From World Dating Partners. Dear David, Please note that due to a system upgrade our system and therefore your website will experience some temporary downtime on Wednesday, 22 April, at 6:00 am GMT, for approximately 1 hour. Regular system...