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More Twitter Dating Applications

Here are a few Twitter dating applications from the Twitter Fan Wiki. Radaroo – Simple and free Twitter dating application. Twitcush – Declare a Twitcrush on someone, see who has declared one on you! (Great for getting the attention of Twitterati.) (By...

Sprint Hearts OKCupid

Happy Cinco de Mayo. Let us bow to the gods of Patrone today, in moderation, please. I’m going to try and meet up with Sam Yagan at OKCupid today. Sam recently sent me this Sprint ad which ran in the NYT, USA Today, WSJ, etc. Check out the last item on the...

Group Dating Survey

MixandMeet wants to know what you think about the concept of social/group dating. Leave a comment with your thoughts. Social dating site MixandMeet is looking for expert opinions on a group dating. The site offers instant group meet-ups with a dating slant –...

Long Distance Lovers May Love the Mutsugoto

This just in from Coolest Gadgets: One year ago, I reported on the INBED, a way of projecting a 2D Girlfriend as the user’s bedmate. A lot of people commented on that one, saying that the technology was a somewhat perverted, and that the user should go out and get a...