by David Evans | Uncategorized
Media interest in online dating is surging this month, the recession-driven upswing in dating was a lot of smoke and mirrors for the most part, time to re-focus on what’s really important. I was quoted in the Washington Post talking about Online Dating...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
We’re in the middle of upgrading the theme and anti-spam system. Use the contact form to alert us to any problems this may be causing.
by David Evans | Uncategorized
I used the new super-special search Engine Wolfram Alpha to seek out the term “dating”. I was not impressed, zero results. The founder’s book, A New Kind Of Science, at about 96,000 pages, props open my door nicely when it gets windy. Sometimes...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
New Zealand Launches Hookup Airways: Love is in the air — Air New Zealand, that is. The Kiwi carrier has launched Matchmaking Flight to bring lonely travelers together. After all, what better way to get to know The One than sharing a 13-hour flight on your first...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Today’s guest post is by Eddy Ankrett. Sixteen years ago, Eddy set up Elite Introductions – an offline dating service with a strong focus on personal contact with members. Today, Eddy is Chairman of Dateline PLC, one of the UK’s most established dating...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Nothing says “marriage or bust†quite like the Marriage-Hunting Bra (Konkatsu Bra), a new concept lingerie by Triumph International designed to help the marriage-minded woman find a husband by displaying how much time remains until she hopes to tie the knot. In...