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Online Dating Industry Links 8-19-09

So much for a slow August, incredibly busy signing new clients, working on some big projects, taking lots of calls and trying to enjoy summer before it disappears. Interesting to see the matching system market heat up, have heard from to no less than three startups in...

Online Dating Industry Links 8-13-09

I thought this was an ad for True but its really for Evony. Carl Bialik, The Numbers Guy at the Wall Street Journal mentions this blog while writing about a topic we cover here from time to time, How Many Marriages Started Online? Forbes Best Cities for Being Single....

Online Dating Industry Links 8-02-09

Posting this from New Mexico on day number two of my cross-country road trip. Carl Bialik, The Numbers Guy at the Wall Street Journal mentions this blog while writing about a topic we cover here from time to time, How Many Marriages Started Online? World Dating...

Online Dating Industry Links 7-24-09

Weddings ceremonies range from heartfelt and emotional celebrations of love to “get me to the booze and the bridesmaids.” I enjoyed this dance-themed wedding party entrance, fun! Love in 2D. Reminds me of Tom Hanks and Wilson in Castaway. The Importance of...