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Online Dating Industry Links 1-21-10

I forget which site displays this guarantee but, crass as it is, made me laugh. If only it were true. White Label Dating is now offering improved profile matching technology to all its partners and brands looking to build online dating sites, after signing a deal with...

Additional Thoughts on Thread

Katherine, the COO of Thread, left a comment (read that first) on yesterday’s post and my response starting getting long, so here it is as a post. Katherine thanks for the heads up. You raise a number of points I wanted to address. Thread camouflages people in...

Thread Slowly Rolling out New Features

Social dating site Thread appears to be going in the direction of a Zook or Are You Interested clone. I was hoping this wouldn’t be the case. Meeting friends of friends is obviously a the primary way people connect, but more incessant clicking is not what I was...