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Meezoog Integrates Facebook Connect

Meezoog sent over news that they will be using Facebook Connect in a unique way to give members access to 500,000 additional people. Users can now view Facebook singles through Meezoog’s trust-based platform, ensuring the person they are looking at is real and...

AOL Dating Partner Feature Matrix

Surprising to see that AOL still has a deal with both Match and eHarmony, would have thought that they would have wanted exclusive deals. Check out this product matrix, it’s an ok way to display the services. Would rather see it driven by a series of photos or...

Online Dating Industry News For 1-28-10

Enjoying Miami Beach this week, especially meeting people from around the world that I’ve only communicated with via email or phone. Too bad I have to leave tonight, could use a few weeks here. Facebook is turning off notifications. Several dating apps have told...

I found my dream girl!

Just kidding, don’t want to loose my street cred in the dating industry by doing something counter-productive like getting in a relationship. I mentioned the Pocket Dream Girl iPhone app and heard from Tayfun Karadeniz Founder, CEO, Chairman, President, Master...