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Twitter Updates for 2010-09-17

PayPal founder on failure at FailCon http://n.pr/c7Mg4M @nprnews # Dating Sites Should Be Infatuated with Social Gaming http://bit.ly/cayjD9 # South American Dating Site Market Is Taking Off http://bit.ly/d85tkt # Twitter Updates for 2010-09-16 http://bit.ly/bxQfDC...

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-16

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-15 http://bit.ly/9jBGp3 # ThinkTek launches “ChatPlus” iPhone app http://bit.ly/bNbMAo # Grindr, the world’s largest all-male, mobile, location-based, networking service announces the launch of a new iPad app http://bit.ly/aluWFu # Facebook...