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Skype’s Venice Project

With Google buying YouTube, the buzz around Skype’s Venice Project is somewhat subdued this week. I’m not sure why Mark Brooks mentions Great Expectations in the same post about social videos, but one must agree that the definition of television is rapidly...

SecondLife Being Melted With Grey Goo

I went to buy some new clothes for my SecondLife avatar today after doing some real life shopping in NYC over the weekend. It turns out: A “griefer” — person who disrupts video-games — is attacking the online world Second Life with...

Getting to Know You

Please take a second to fill out the poll below so I can better understand why are are reading Online Dating Insider. I’m noticing from the logfiles that most of you are new visitors, coming from Google and I’d like to learn more about you as the blog...

E-Cyrano Gets a Haircut

From the E-Cyrano newsletter: Evan Marc Katz, longtime blog reader, commenter and man about LA, as well as founder of E-Cyrano, has gotten a haircut. Evan, GQ will be calling any day now. Technorati Tags: ecyrano

Back on Track

From the feedback I received this week, the blog has been b0rked for about a week when viewed in Internet Exploder. As a Firefox kind of guy, I had no idea that the sidebar module I installed was going to do such a great job of blowing up the blog, oops! Everything...

Yahoo Avatars

I tweaked my Yahoo avatar. The squirrel is in the picture because one jumped through my window last week and I woke up with it staring right at me from my nightstand. This type of thing does not happen to normal people. Technorati Tags: yahoo+avatars