by David Evans | Uncategorized
I’ve received a handful of duplicate emails from a company I’m not going to mention, promoting their cheap dating sites and huge profile database. Why bother building your database the hard way? Just buy a CD of unreliable profiles. Great business...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Google has launched a customizable search engine. I’ve created one for this blog and will add dating and social networking related blogs shortly. It’s Google and it’s beta, your mileage may vary. Industry insiders will appreciate the restricted list...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Oddcast has announced the availability of 3D avatars. Very cool! No need to break out your 3D glasses to see (and hear) these avatars. Oddcast created some unique three-dimensional talking characters – make em’ talk and let them help you market your latest...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Mark Brooks has responded to my recent rant, clarifying his 100% focus on online personals PR, business development and strategy. Mark has recently added a huge amount of news sources to Online Personals Watch. I read his blog daily, so much that I’ve decided to...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Dating site avatars which help singles search, browse and communicate with each other continue to gain popularity, if only during planning sessions for the next generation of dating sites coming out in Q1 2007. Eharmony and Match have their DVD and video series, which...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
I added a Blue iPod Nano to my friend list on Myspace. I’ve decided I’m going to remove all my friends and only allow brands and bands to be my friends. The Nano pages on Myspace prove that the horrid Myspace look & feel defaults to can be tweaked into...