by David Evans | Uncategorized
Consumer Reports sends a staffer out on an online dating spree at AmericanSingles, eHarmony,, True, and Yahoo Personals. Shout-out to sponsor Userplane. Check out their latest newsletter. SLProfiles, enhanced profiles pulled from, displayed...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Comments on the blog have been turned back on, thank you for your patience. Today we win another battle with the $@%#ing spammers, although I guarantee they’ll be back soon.
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Lately I’ve been giving tours in Secondlife to friends, family and reporters interested in learning more about the increasingly popular online community. Today the San Francisco Chronicle ran a piece based on an interview I had done with them a while back. The...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
If you like looking at personal ads with no photos, use, or are thinking about using eHarmony, this post isn’t for you. I love Valleywag for it’s snarkiness and anti-hype ethos. Case in point. Today, Riya, the much-hyped image search technology company,...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
Russian Brides expert Elena Petrova says dating scams conducted through large personals sites are rampant, affecting virtually every male user of online dating sites. The losses are counted in millions. Elena’s Russian Women Black List lists thousands of stories...
by David Evans | Uncategorized
We’ve been getting hit by comment spammers since late last week. They hit the comment url so frequently it’s been crashing the server often. Hence, comments are turned off for the time being. I hate to have to do this (actually not my choice), but its the...