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Walking around Manhattan I came across these ads for Dumpcupid. I thought it might be for a dating site, but it’s for Herbal Essences. A couple of videos of a fat guy impersonating Cupid. I got drawn in but I’m definitely not their demographic

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a great holidays. I escaped to the woods of Vermont for a week of badly needed downtime. I’m glad my parents finally got satellite internet access but it felt great to sit on front of the wood stove with a regular book instead of a Powerbook...

Firefox SEO Tools

MIT Advertising Lab writes about a new SEO plug-in for Firefox. SEO for Firefox is a little plug-in for search engine optimizers (optimizators?) that ammends Google and Yahoo search results will all sorts of related trivia on sites that show up in the search results....

OkCupid Releases Holiday Survey Results

Tis the season for holiday singles surveys. OkCupid found that: 45% of OkCupid members said they need to be dating someone for at least three months before bringing them to the office holiday party; 12% would bring someone after the first date, if they’re...

Climbing Up the Charts, Template Wierdness

I’m keeping a close eye on the Technorati stats as people move over from the old website. I’ve jumped up 400,000 spots in three days. The old blog rank was 21,698. I’m hoping to get back up there in two months, depending on how many people link and...

Stay In Touch With the Hug Shirt

Forget ‘toothing, give long distance hugs to loved ones this holiday season with the Hug Shirt. Once you figure out how to configure Bluetooth, the Hug Me Java software and your cellphone, all you have to is press the hotspots on the shirt to transmit that...