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Breakfast Meeting and Strange Posts

This morning I had the opportunity to have breakfast with Mark Brooks. Mark and I are of the few consultants in the dating and social networking space and it’s always good to get together, compare notes and talk shop. This morning did not disappoint, my brain is...

Eharmony Labs Launches Hot Science Blog

Eharmony Labs, the R&D arm of Eharmony, has launched  the Hot Science Blog. Today’s post is about how large quantities of Oxytocin are released upon orgasm. Talk about hot. A lack of comments, formatting problems and a lack of bio pages for their authors...

Friday Wrap-up

It’s been a good week here at ODI. I am kicking off projects with new clients, finishing up working on others, watching the weather warm up and glad to be done with paying The Man. This week’s main conversations have been focused on choosing a dating...

Lonelybloggers.com For Sale

A few weeks ago I spoke with Jeff from LonelyBloggers.com. Since then, Jeff has put LB up for sale. The asking price is $20,000. If they have no takers, the site will be auctioned off. Details at Mashable.

Links for 4/6/07

Job of the Week: Durex, maker of fine prophylactics, is looking for condom testers. Guys, please don’t crash their servers. Via Everyone’s Guide to Online Dating. Simulating Dating: Nintendo’s Days of Memories dating simulator “is a collection...