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Improving Personal Ad Photos

You Suck at Photoshop episode #7 is hilarious. Subtitle should be “How to hot up your Facebook photo.” Each week a guy named Donnie takes on a viewer-submitted photo and applies some serious Photoshop trickery, often with coffee-spitting results. Episode...

Algorithms of Love

John Tierney has a piece in the New York Times, Hitting it Off, Thanks to Algorithms of Love. The psychologists and academics who created the personality tests at PerfectMatch eHermony and Chemistry.com are mentioned. Chemisty in particular is singled out for...

Astrological Matching Service

Kelli Fox at The Astrologer says: We have an astrology match making web service we supply to dating sites. We don’t ask any questions and only require a members birth date. We provide bar graphs, meters and reports. I’ve talked to several companies offering...