by David Evans | Profiles & Matching
Dating Ad Network has posted an interview with Kris Covino and Meir Strahlberg at Everyone is talking about virtual goods these days. I’ve been working with Viximo, which provides a complete virtual goods platform to social networks and dating sites....
by David Evans | Profiles & Matching
Dear dating sites, Your profiles are stale because you make it difficult for people to update them. I can update my social network status from Twitter, Firefox, myriad desktop clients, Flash apps and every mobile phone but I have to go through a 10 step process to...
by David Evans | Dating Site Features, Online Dating Innovation, Profiles & Matching
Tech Crunch 50 is today. Practically everyone who matters in the Internet space is there. Why should you care? If you’re a dating site executive, you are are probably focused on driving traffic and conversion rates. But do you ever actually stop and think about...
by David Evans | Dating Markets, Dating Safety, Profiles & Matching
Online Dating Insider sponsor HonestyOnline is now providing identify verification to speed dating services., the world’s largest speed dating service, has partnered with Honestly Online Inc. to launch Prestige Speed Dating, designed exclusively for...
by David Evans | Profiles & Matching
As you may or may not know, several years ago I started a company called ProfileDoctor. We built a service that enabled live editors to review dating profiles and make suggestions in improvements. While I thoroughly enjoyed building up the company I ended up getting...
by David Evans | Dating Markets, Dating Site Features, Marketing, Profiles & Matching will start advertising to affluent singles. The new Honesty Online blog. I grow weary of signing up for new dating sites. Does anyone actually think to ask if their questions are any good? Why don’t dating sites link to popular photo-sharing sites? I...