by David Evans | Online Dating Innovation
We’re getting past the time when people belong to a single dating/socialnetworking/affinity site. I am not only a single guy, and that’s not how I’m introduced to new company, so why should I only have a profile on a date-warehouse, when I want to be...
by David Evans | Online Dating Innovation
Now that Consumating and CNET have been getting it on for a while, Consumating has taken advantage of the CNET network and warp-speed servers and released the first update, popularity by tag and zip code. Tag/zip intersection queries would bring most dating site...
by David Evans | Online Dating Innovation
Online dating is really a misnomer. As I’ve often said, people don’t date at a dating site. Dating sites are really online introduction services. They peruse profiles and the dating site acts as an intermediary, passing along anonymous emails and...
by David Evans | Dating Site Features, Online Dating Innovation
The lumbering juggernaut we like to call has added tagging to profiles. Except they call them MatchWordsTM. Go, go metadata! I was wondering how long it would take for a major dating site to get with the tagging program. One small, problem, the tags are...
by David Evans | Online Dating Innovation
HandwritingProfiles has extended their services to include an online Handwriting Personality & Compatability Profile feature. You may remember HandwritingProfiles CEO Michael Kahlowsky doing handwriting analysis at SITRAS in Miami last year. I took an adult ed...
by David Evans | Online Dating Innovation
From BoingBoing: Psychiatrists from Pavia University have associated early romantic love with a biochemical known as nerve growth factor (NGF). Apparently, levels of NGF in the bloodstream were significantly higher in subjects who were in the early stages of romance...