by David Evans | Dating Research, Dating Site Features, Dating Site Technology, Online Dating Innovation, Social: Dating & Networking
Yesterday I had coffee with Jeana Frost, creator of Virtual Dates, an application well suited for the icebreaker portion of meeting someone online. You know the feeling. Someone catches your eye, but their profile doesn’t leave you with much to start a...
by David Evans | Dating Sites & Startups, Online Dating Innovation, Social: Dating & Networking
Dating in SecondLife seems to be alive and well, although I’m not reading much about it. A few speed-dating events have occurred, and today I found Digiluv. Digiluv is a sexy new service that allows you to create a character and meet other people in a tropical...
by David Evans | Online Dating Innovation, Social: Dating & Networking
Key differences between Myspace and Facebook. Myspace is busy adding areas to the site that assuage advertisers while Facebook adds features and functionality that makes it a better service for users. Liz at GigaOM says: Sometimes Mark Zuckerberg and his crew of...
by David Evans | Marketing, Online Dating Innovation
I’ve been digging the MIT Advertising Lab, a blog on the future of advertising technology. Here is a List of Brands on MySpace. Lot’s of interesting stuff about brands in SecondLife and other advertising tidbits. Also, found, SpaceCadetz. The best of...
by David Evans | Online Dating Innovation
At least once a week I upload a new photo to my personal ad, only to have it cropped to the point where you can count my nose hairs. Dating sites are forcing people to display photos without much context. I often wonder if a person is dancing, in bed or on the beach...
by David Evans | Online Dating Innovation
At least once a week I upload a new photo to my personal ad, only to have it cropped to the point where you can count my nose hairs. Dating sites are forcing people to display photos without much context. I often wonder if a person is dancing, in bed or on the beach...