by David Evans | Mobile Dating, Online Dating Innovation
Calculate the “love levels” of the person on the other line with cell cell phone service from Nemesysco Entertainment. Chat someone up and when the conversation is over, the final report will be sent to your cell phone using SMS or audio message. Story at...
by David Evans | Mobile Dating
Personality matching had it’s day in the sun. Eharmony and Chemistry are winning that battle, game over. It was difficult to the industry to get excited about personality matching because nobody understands it except for a few experts, consumers don’t...
by David Evans | Mobile Dating, Online Dating Innovation
Realtors are showing my building right now so I had to evacuate for a few hours to avoid the disruption. I’m at Starbucks, $10 for a day of wifi. Right about now I’d like to be working and listening to profiles on my Nano, which I forgot to bring so I am...
by David Evans | Mobile Dating
Jon on the PodDater blog sez: You will be able to conduct a search and subscribe to those search preferences. The results will be delivered to your iTunes application or an RSS reader. Video profiles downloaded overnight, ready for watching during your commute or...
by David Evans | Mobile Dating
Jon on the PodDater blog sez: You will be able to conduct a search and subscribe to those search preferences. The results will be delivered to your iTunes application or an RSS reader. Video profiles downloaded overnight, ready for watching during your commute or...
by David Evans | Mobile Dating
Today I spent some time revising the Tools & Services section. Several companies, most notably Gnumber, seem to have shifted focus from the dating space to other verticals. Their DateNumber service doesn’t seem to be on the web anymore, unless Google is...