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MeetMoi Seeks Marketing Analyst

Ever since The OKCupid Blog made it cool for dating sites to blog about their members, I find it remarkable that so many dating sites are just now starting to leverage the treasure troves of behavioral data they amass about their users every day. meetMoi is looking...

Facebook Does Location Alerts, Who Knew?

Been playing around with new iPhone. Saw this Nearby Friends notification setting. I never get nearby friends updates because most of my peeps are not checking into Facebook, and the remainder are on foursquare or Gowalla. This got me thinking (oh boy here we go...

SingleSquare Dating on Top of Foursquare

A new iPhone app called Singlesquare builds a location-based dating service on top of Foursquare’s check-in technology. Brian Callery, Co-Founder of single SingleSquare says the app is based around ‘sightings’ of single people in public venues, like...