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update on Match.com founder

According to this article in the San Diego Union Tribune, Gary Kremen, the 40-year-old bachelor who founded Match.com is living large near San Diego. He has weaned himself off drugs, began an exercise regimen and found a steady girlfriend. Since he founded the popular...

Devil in the Blue Dress

Handbag maker, gossip-column fodder and former presidential intern Monica Lewinsky has a new gig: host of a dating game on Fox called “Mr. Personality.” “Mr. Personality,” which debuts April 21, will feature a stockbroker named Hayley and 20...


A Salon.com article about marketing yourself online via cultural references. “Indeed, each personal ad patches together an increasingly eclectic and romantic mélange of brands to create a signature brand: “The Anarchist Cookbook,”...

The Science of Love

At the mercy of our biochemistry. Came across an informative article in the Science section of BBCi. Covers the science of flirting, 3 stages of love and the role of pheromones in courtship. Who knew that Vasopressin is not only an important controller of the kidney,...

The Science of Matchmaking

The latest craze in online dating is the science of matchmaking. Emode tests your IQ, weAttract gets to the bottom of you instinctual preferences, Colorgenics has a plethora of quizzes and tests, and eHarmony attempts to match people based on a long questionnaire...