by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
We’ve written about Inode before. Incode was founded in 2004 to acquire, develop and commercialize innovative and profitable subscription-based eBusinesses in the online dating, information, retail, industrial, and financial services sectors. Incode’s plan...
by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
Buried in an article about True I found that Match has eliminated about 30 jobs in its events and new product divisions. Makes sense if they are reconsidering running live events. Link
by David Evans | Dating Sites & Startups, Online Dating Industry
Early reports of 130 layoffs seems to be high. Today’s Dallas News states that True said Friday it laid off 90 employees, or about 60 percent of its workforce of about 150, to streamline operations. The company said the affected employees were told of the...
by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
I received an email stating that has stopped throwing offline (Matchlive) events – no speeddating, no singles events. Could that be true, even after Chris Terrill,’s vice president for off-line initiatives at Match, recently said that...
by David Evans | Dating Sites & Startups, Online Dating Industry
True laid off 130 people today. More details to follow as soon as I get them. email me if you have any other news.
by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
The Internet unit of Playboy Enterprises is considering expanding into the online dating business, according to Jay Jay Nesheim, Playboy spokeswoman. But there are no imminent plans, she said. Asked how an online dating service would work when Playboy’s...