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Matchmaker training game

Singles-Flirt up your Life! is the simulation of the exciting relationship between Mike and Linda. The game places players in the role of matchmaker. Choosing from over a dozen, unique characters, the player will pick two people to move into a sparsely decorated...

Background on Match.com co-founder

Did you know that Peng T. Ong was a co-founder and chief architect of Electric Classifieds, Inc (the creators of Match.Com)? I didn’t either. Previously, Peng was a consultant at Illustra Information Technologies, Inc. and also held various engineering and...

BoatDating.com post removed

My blog policy is not to remove posts but in this case I’m getting tired of hearing from the management at boatdating.com. The home page there looks strange on a Mac and I pointed this out in an earlier post. Instead of fixing the problem and being thankful it...

Matchmaker rolling out IM service?

Today I was invited to participate in a MatchMaker focus group. When I was initially asked, I mentioned this blog, and my day job running ProfileDoctor.com right up front, to make sure they were ok with that, which they were. I figured that I would provide them with...

IAC going private?

Rumors abound that IAC (owner of Match.com) chairman and chief executive Barry Diller may take the company private in the near future. John Malone and Robert Bennett, the No. 1 and 2 executives at Liberty Media Corp., have recently resigned from the board of...