by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
“Matchmaker needs a matchmaker. Post $10m ad spend, white flag flying. Suffering from recent bout of brain drain. Needs TLC, url to die for. Gr8 potential for right buyer. $2M or B.O.”
by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
A financier’s discourse on the parallels between online dating and investing. Instant classic. Eric J. Fry, writing for The Daily Reckoning, an investment website: “You should try,” a friend suggested to your New York editor recently....
by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
I overheard someone at last night’s cocktail party use the term “warehouse dating” to describe the customer experience at Match and Yahoo! Yahoo! has begun to address this with their Premiere service and rumor has it that Match is not far behind....
by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
The International Association of Dating Website has launched their website. Take a moment to register yourself or your company today and make your voice heard on important legislation affecting the online dating industry. Mission Statement Our mission is to provide a...
by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
Gawker has more insider info on the cuts at SpringStreet. Insiders (probably management) are arguing over the validity of these statements: SpringStreet is operating with just 8 people. Most of the technology and customer service team has been let go. Only 2 people...
by David Evans | Dating Industry Finance, Online Dating Industry
Just a month after Daum Communications bought Lycos, Matchmaker is on the block. No details about the asking price yet. I posted a timeline of events leading up to the Daum acquisition here. Daum plans to introduce blog-based social software service with more bells...