by David Evans | Dating Industry Finance, Online Dating Industry
$150 grand plus bonus if you’re familiar with Excel, like pr0n and fit the bill. Beancounters, smarten up those resumes. Can you say IPO? Technorati Tags: adultfriendfinder, ipo+preparation
by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
From the RateorDate blog: From the Yahoo Personals jobs page, they are looking for a project manager and a couple senior software engineers to work on Yahoo Personals Japan. The Yahoo Personals footer already links to Y!-branded sites for China, Hong Kong and Taiwan....
by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
Yovav Meydad, former Chief of Product Management at Spark Networks, joined the company’s Advisory Board. Meydad’s role will be to assist with Business and Technology Development for ZIM’s mobile content and P2P Internet TV strategy. Prior to joining...
by David Evans | Dating Site Features, Dating Sites & Startups, Online Dating Industry
Thomas Technologies International, a leader in private-label behavioral assessment software and related personality reporting, has partnered with JLove LLC to offer JType™– a customized suite of Thomas’ web-dating applications. Yoav Cohen, JLove’s founder...
by David Evans | Dating Sites & Startups, Online Dating Industry
IncrediMail, a leading software company specializing in consumer email products, has dumped partner PointMatch, to hook up with Yahoo! Personals. IncrediMail will offer a co-branded version of the Yahoo! Personals service to IncrediMail users. As far as I know, this...
by David Evans | Online Dating Industry
Andy Arnott, CTO of Collaboradate says that Match is running Google ads on people’s profile pages. If you have logged into you have seen a new “ads provided by google” section. Did match finally wake up to the fact that they will be pushed...