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Friendfinder needs Flash developer

Friendfinder is looking to pay a Flash developer $90,000 a year to improve their sites. Ninety grand for 3 years of Flash experience! I would forget the Flash, most likely they will overdo it and the site will become unusable, which I see happening more and more on...

192.com partners with DatingDirect

Online directory service 192.com has launched a new local dating service in partnership with Datingdirect. 192Dating also lets users locate the ideal place and practicalities needed to create a romantic evening. 192Dating enables a user to select potential partners...

New American Singles

American Singles is introducing several enhancements to the site to bring it closer to par with the rest of the tier one players in the online dating industry. American Singles is a strange beast. Incredibly high CPA, exposure through maddening spyware and toolbar...

Better Loving Through Chemistry?

Cliche title but it’s not mine. It’s from a BusinessWeek article on the rise of personality testing on dating sites. Continuing the “Let’s hire a celebrity or high profile doctor spokesperson” path along with True and PerfectMatch,...