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True.com sues convicted sex offender

It was only a matter of time. True.com made it’s name as a website dedicated to safer dating. Now, it’s fighting to keep a convicted sex offender off it’s site. True reportedly took quick action, reporting the offender to the authorities and filing a...

Stop-Scammers.com Weekly Newsletter

Received this in my inbox this morning. I signed up as part of my Russian Brides experiment. On STOP-SCAMMERS.COM site you’ll find always the freshest information about known scammers involved in dating fraud with complete information and photos, scam reports,...

Safer dating?

MSNBC.com has a piece on national commercial database searches(thanks Markus!). [Update: According to the NY Times, Reed Elsevier, owner of the LexisNexis databases, said (reg req’d) today that Social Security numbers, driver’s license information and the...

IADW on Fox News

Streaming video of Rich Gosse, founder of the IADW, and Herb Vest, founder of True.com on Fox News is here. Vest states that True pays for all background checks, each one costing $1.50, resulting in 5% of True.com members being rejected. Be sure to post your comments...

Pretrieve public record search

I received this from Paul Bunting, president of Pretrieve: Pretrieve is a public record search engine designed to help make finding and researching public record information from free sites on the internet faster and easier for everyone.   Pretrieve is a...