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PhoneConfirm Ferrets Out Fake Profiles

PhoneConfirm has announced the launch of its Phone Identity Verification (PIV) service for the online dating industry. The dirty little secret in the dating industry is that many dating profiles are fake and the industry doesn’t want the issue to see the light...

iDate Does BackgroundChecks

According to Mark Brooks, iDate is having a conference for background checks in San Francisco on July 13-14. No link to conference from his blog, and when I went to iDate, I don’t see a link to the event page either. Not the best way to promote an event. Besides...

Fighting Identity Theft with TrustedID

Michael Arrington over at Techcrunch gets a lot of deserved heat for his glowing review of TrustedID. I’ve been following the ID verification, identity management, background check market for quite some time, advising companies like Trufina and talking to the...