by David Evans | Dating Research
Katelyn Y. A. McKenna in the Department of Psychology at New York University has published a paper in the Journal of Social Issues titled Relationship Formation on the Internet: What’s the Big Attraction?(PDF). This is a heady read, 23 pages of why people like...
by David Evans | Dating Research
MSNBC has put together a special section which examines the business and cultural impact of online personals.
by David Evans | Dating Research
MSNBC article. Is on-line matchmaking really the third killer app of the internet? Over 18 million people visited online personal Web sites in June, according to research firm Jupiter/Media Metrix. Market leader now has 600,000 customers forking over about...
by David Evans | Dating Research
In 1994 Gary Kremen joined forces with partner Peng Tsin Ong to start Classifieds Inc. They raised US$1.7 million from Canaan Partners and started a service called I bet the partners at Cannan are very happy with their long shot. They also mention starting...