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Match is the largest

Guinness World Records officially recognises Match.com as the largest online dating site in the world. More than 42 million singles globally have registered with Match.com since its launch in 1995 and worldwide there are now over 15 million members using the service....

Measuring Industry Performance

It’s about time a an easy-to-understand metric was put in place to measure industry performance. ComScore gave a good presentation at SITRAS this summer which touched on the idea that we should be observing the interrelationship between several critical metrics...

Visualizing The Personals Industry

TouchGraph has a free service where you can enter in the address of a dating site (or any site for that matter), and a Java window pops up displaying the site and all sites that link to/from it. The clustering is fascinating, and it’s a lot nicer than pouring...

TRUE to publish research findings

Spearheaded by TRUE’s chief psychological officer, Dr. James Houran, the paper, entitled “Do Online Matchmaking Tests Work? An Assessment of Preliminary Evidence for a Publicized ‘Predictive Model of Marital Success,'” is the first academic...

Online Dating Faces Rejection

I’m back after 4 days unplugged in the Virginia countryside. Good article in E-Commerce Times titled “Signs that online dating growth is slowing down.” Highlights (or lowlights?) In September, market leader Match.com, a property of IAC/InterActive...