by David Evans | Dating Research
Rocketboom does great Firefox vs. Internet Explorer people on the street interviews in Washington Square Park in New York City. The majority of people said they like Firefox’s features and security better. The rest tended to admit that they used Internet...
by David Evans | Dating Research
At one point I moved all my bookmarks to the social bookmarking service They have a browser toolbar-based bookmark drop-down menu that displays my server-based bookmarks. If the originating file is removed, I’m basically back to Google to re-find...
by David Evans | Dating Research, Dating Sites & Startups
Last week launched a Singles Observatory in France that it intends to use as an “independent” body to publish data about singles, their lifestyle and the hunt for the perfect partner. This just shows how much they want to be able to soundly claim...
by David Evans | Dating Research
A reader named John Brown left a comment stating that Dr. James Houran did not in fact create the True personality test. According to Brown: The test was developed by Plumeus, Inc. and the “brain� behind the test is certainly not Mr. Houran but Ilona Jerabek Ph.D....
by David Evans | Dating Industry Finance, Dating Research
Bad boy Gary Kremen, original founder of, is slated to receive $65 million from Stephen Cohen, who has been arrested by Mexican authorities in Tijuana after being on the lam for four years after illegally taking over, a domain owned by Kremen. More...
by David Evans | Dating Research
Dr. James Houran, the brains behind the Compatability Test, shares his thoughts on the infancy of compatibility testing, Rasch scaling, classical test theory and how new technologies and research are driving applied psychology. [tags: compatability,...