by David Evans | Dating Research
This new home for this page is here. Before you spend anywhere from $1,500 to upwards of $50,000 on a matchmaker or traditional dating service you owe it to yourself to be as well-informed as possible. The first step is being aware of all your options. There are many...
by David Evans | Dating Research
This new home for this page is here. John LaRosa of Marketdata publishes the only in-depth study of “The U.S. Dating Services Market.” His newest addition, dated April 2006, is now available. I’ve sold a lot of the last version to everyone from...
by David Evans | Dating Research
I need to respond to an Italian journalist who asked about recommendation engines and how they related to social networking and dating. What better place to ponder on a rainy Saturday morning? Pandora and are music recommendation sites I’ve been talking...
by David Evans | Dating Research
Mark Brooks took a stab at measuring the success of online dating. I’ve talked about this before. He asked for comments so here they are: The number is far north of 20 million online daters unless he is limiting his exercise to the US. Include percentages as...
by David Evans | Dating Research, Marketing
Found this about Alexa while looking at different VOIP clients today: Alexa does not calculate the actual number of users visiting Web sites… what we do instead is release raw data about how many people in a sample population (Alexa Toolbar users, among others)...
by David Evans | Dating Research
Today I was greeted by a survey page at It had one question. “How likely is it that you would recommend to a friend?” In Firefox on the Mac, the page is cut off. Perhaps there were more questions? Of all the questions you would think...