by David Evans | Dating Research, Marketing
The Premium Content Toolbox: 100+ Guides, Tips and Resources to Make Money Off Of Paid Memberships may be of interest to those readers running subscription-based dating sites. Marketing
by David Evans | Dating Conferences & Events, Dating Research
Seeking Alpha posted the transcript of state of the industry talk given by CEO Meir Strahlberg at the 2005 Internet Dating Conference. Industry issues and trends are explored. idate
by David Evans | Dating Research, Marketing
According to Comscore, US internet dating sites attracted 22.6 million users in 2007. Only 60 million more people and we’ll achieve complete market saturation. You have your marching orders, let’s make 2008 the year we hit 40 million users. Via eMarketer....
by David Evans | Dating Research
Dirk Pflitsch at Online-Dating-News has published an analysis “Online Dating Companies in Germany” which is based on a paper based survey filled out by 46 of 60 mayor players. Dirk contends that Jupiter We estimated a €116 million market in 2006 while...
by David Evans | Dating Research
Advertising spending for dating services: This has been our for a while but I wanted to get it into the Research section.
by David Evans | Dating Research, Marketing
Compete has the latest on traffic to mainstream dating sites. True, previously ranked 9th in terms of member logins, moved into the top five sites. Like many dating services, True sends email as a way to encourage paid subscriptions, and in February nearly 60% of...