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One-Third of Facebook Users Are Single

A while back, Facebook came up with the United States Gross National Happiness. measurement. When people in their status updates use more positive words–or fewer negative words–then that day as a whole is counted as happier than usual. The graph contains...

Sextistics: Your Sex Stats

TLC is doing a special Valentine’s night show called Sextistics: Your Love Life. A few stats to get you warmed up. The average man’s ideal woman is 60lbs lighter than him. A woman will get chatted up in bar 6 minutes faster if she is wearing make up. Last year...

This Facebook Data Set Will Blow Your Mind

Yesterday I mentioned How to split up the US, which it turns out is just a taste of the analysis that researchers will be doing on the massive Facebook dataset made up of 210 million profiles set to be unleashed tomorrow but Pete Warden. That’s right, yours and...

Older People Get Hitched Faster Online

Lots of research papers flowing across my desk in recent months. Today I read that Iowa State University sociologists have found out that spouses who met online are older, less likely to be marrying for the first time, and have much shorter courtships —...

Not Tonight Honey, I’m Sleepy

Dedicated to discovering solutions to you and your family’s particular sleep needs, Sleepbetter.org did a My Sleepy Valentine Survey. Does sleep (wink, wink) really mean sleep? You bet it does, at least for most women. More than half the females polled (53%) said...