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Spark Networks Stock Buyback

After practically begging to be bought by Match or Yahoo, Spark Networks board of directors has approved the company’s Share Repurchase plan authorizing the potential repurchase of up to an aggregate of approximately 2,000,000 shares. Those following the Spark story...

Spark Networks Form 10-Q

Behold, an easy to read breakout of Spark Networks properties, including JDate, American Singles and a new dating site called Other Businesses. I’m working with a client who’s basing some of their P&L assumptions on JDate, the timing couldn’t be...

Spark Networks 3Q 2006 Earnings

David Siminoff, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Spark Networks, appears to be doing at least a few things right since he came on board in August 2004. JDate up approximately 10% in revenue and subscribers. American Singles continues it’s decline, with...